Essay on pollution in english
Here are an essay on pollution in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in english for students.

Essay on pollution in english 

Essay 1

Essay on pollution in 100 words

Pollution is very serious problem these days. It is very harmful for human beings. There are many types of pollution but major three type of pollution is like air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.

Mills and vehicles spread smoke into the air. Thus air is polluted. It is also produced noise which called noise pollution. Factories and industries dump the garbage into the water. It is called water pollution.

Pollution is everywhere due to human activities. The environment has become unfit for living. Due to pollution our life is effected. It causes many fatal diseases like T.B, cancer, Asthma and eyes flue. Noise pollution is very harmful and it makes the people deaf.

In the way, government is doing a lot of work to fight pollution. We hope that this type of problem will be solved as soon as possible.

Essay 2

Essay on pollution in 150 words

Now pollution has become a common word because everywhere there is pollution. Pollution means contamination of nature and natural objects like air, water, atmosphere, soil etc.

There are different types of pollution like air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc. Vehicles and factories emit smoke and fumes. Thus air is polluted. Thundering mills and roaring vehicles create noise pollution. Heaps of garbage stink. The drains are overflooded with filthy water. They create water pollution. Thus we find pollution everywhere.

Pollution cause much harm to our health. Harmful and poisonous gases in the atmosphere make breathing difficult and cause several lung diseases and irritation in eyes.

How we manage the prevention of pollution. In first way, government laws should be made to prevent pollution. There should be created awareness the people who can fight against the pollution. We have to save trees and prevent from deforestation along with save the wildlife.

In a conclusion, some strict steps are beings taken by the government against the mills and factories responsible for pollution by emitting smoke.

Essay 3

Essay on pollution in 200 words

Pollution is very dangerous matters which is damaging our environmental nature. It is a very complecate matter that is not solved yet. Most of things has included pollution that directly effects human and living beings. A mix of pollutant in the clearly goods that makes this things very fatal or harmful is called pollution.

Today it has become a major causes on all over the world. Pollution has become a major headache for every government and agency. There are so many kinds of pollution. Some are the following like water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution.

Water pollution causes due to discharge of waste from industies, factories into lakes, rivers and oceans etc.

Air pollution occurs due to release of chemicals like pesticides and poisons into the atmosphere.

Soil pollution causes when chemicals are released by spills or underground leakage.

Noise pollution is producing due to the aircraft, old vehicle, mills, airplanes, industrial and factory as well as high intensity things.

Effects of pollution is dangerous.
Due to pollution, human health and living beings has become very bad and fatal. A polluted water is very deadly that leads fatal diseases like diarrhoea and chilera. Air pollution can lead to asthma, respiratory problems, cancer disease. Due to soil pollution, the field of crops are affected. Sound pollution can lead in deafness, restless, panic and mental effects in humans. And it is also affected non- living beings like increases the temperature of the atmosphere. It increases heat that affects directly to the crops and others.

Scientist believe that in coming years, the coastal cities will be submerged. As a result, migrating, unemployment, arsons and violences will be rise.

At the end, pollution is a problem that we need to solve as soon as. We have to aware people about pollution and its effects. So government should makes strictly laws about pollution spreading.

Essay 4

Essay on pollution in 250 words

Pollution is a problem of all over the world. Today this problem has become very serious. Man activities has interfered too much with nature. As a results, the whole environment is polluted. Due to pollution, our life is effected. It effects our healths. It brings inefficiency. It should be controlled immediately.

There are mainly three kinds of pollution like air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.

(¡) Air pollution :- Air pollution is caused by smoked which comes out of the chimney of mills, workshops, industries and factories. The smoke also release from buses, cars, tractors and bike which is using diesel and petrol etc. This has made the life of living being very difficult. Man inhale polluted so much by air pollution that he falls ill with diseases like asthma, T.B cancer etc.

(¡¡) Water pollution :- Water pollution is caused by many reasons. The waste material of industries and oil refineries is dumped into the rivers and sea. So water is polluted. Most people submerge the ashes of dead body into the holy rivers and spoil the water.

(¡¡¡) Noise pollution :- Noise pollution is also harmful to life. It causes deafness and other diseases. In a big city, the roar of vehicles are unbearable. The engines and horns create much sound. Loudspeaker, D.J and mills produce a lot of noise. More sound creates noise pollution which is very dangerous for the physical and mental health of the human.

Effects of pollution is not better for human. Thus, we see that there is pollution all around us. The environment has become unfit for living. It has become a health hazard. It brings difficult for all people. It causes many fatal diseases such as T.B. , cholera, asthma and cancer.

Do you know the solution of pollution. First, we have to aware about environment and pollution. Government has set up the department of environment pollution. It has taken many steps to check pollution. Some of them are the purification of rivers, plants more trees in necessary place, use electric vehicles etc.

In the way, we should increase public awareness against the pollution. They have to understand the causes of pollution. We should not dump domestic waste everywhere. We should keep the nature clean.

Essay 5

Essay on pollution in 300 words

Pollution is the one of the big problem all over the world. It is very serious nowadays. Man has interfered too much with nature. All natural sources like air, water, soil has been polluted due to human activities. If environment is polluted, all sorts of human life, animals and vegetations is affected directly or indirectly.

There are many kinds of pollution but here are mainly four kinds of pollution like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. This types of pollution will be affecting long time for all living being.

(a). Air pollution :- Air pollution is mainly caused by the smoke of industries, factories, motor cars, smoking and burning waste. Air pollution affect all living being on the earth. It causes for human such as coughing, asthma and other lung diseases.

(b). Water pollution :- Water pollution is raid to occur when toxic pollutants and particilate matter are introduced into water bodies such as lakes, rivers and seas. Factories, industries is dumped into the clean and neatly water resources which is making water pollution.

(c). Soil pollution :- Soil pollution depicts the contamination of soil due to the presence of toxic substances such as excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides, deforestation, industrial waste etc.

(d). Noise pollution :- Noise pollution is dangerous to life. It is said that 85 decibels causes deafness and other diseases. There are many reasons of noise pollution such as using of planes, heavy industries, factories, vehicle and other sources.

Do you know how to reduce pollution. The pollution is a global problem. It is the collective issue and thereby, its needs a collective approach to end it. We should focus on going green, plant more trees in unused place, eliminate waste in nature. We need to save agriculture. We should stop using excessive chemicals products etc in agriculture to save our waste from being polluted. Industry is not responsible for that pollution in the world. Along with it, we need to strike a balance between industrial progress and the presentation of nature. This type of matter like mass media, government and civil society should complete the main role for preventing the pollution which is necessary.

At last, the pollution is one of the dangerous issue that we all are facing. It would impact the entire world. There is no denying the fact. In this time, we should unite to save world's environment each other from the issues of pollution.

Essay 6

Essay on pollution in 500 words

The terms pollution means the production of various harmful substances on environment. It is rightly said that pollution is everything that makes our environment dirty. Here are describing different kinds of pollution that is air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution. We cannot ignore the harmful effects of environment pollution.

No doubt, pollution of decades is entirely man made. Many things and inventions that are created or invited by men during last fifty years. There are actual causes of increase pollution such as uses if pesticides, chemicals and poisons to kill weeds and insects who pollute our environment.

We used to breath pure and fresh air. But now it is getting toxic day by day because of industries, the burning of fossil's fuel, deforestation and poisonous gases in the environment. These gases are caused of many respiratory and other diseases.

How to control pollution :-

There are many way to prevent pollution on the earth. We should plant more trees on unused place, setting more policies for industries and all, by using electric vehicles, complete the short distance with foot and use public transportation etc.

Land pollution is caused by two major factors. One major factor is human activities and second is natural factors. The use of pesticides in agricultural and industries waste, deforestation and acid rains are reasons of various humans and animals infections and diseases. Thus harmful pollution is on the rise. The government and organizations are working at the pollution level and best to minimize this pollution.

The land pollution can be controlled by the use of bio-degradable products, food free from pesticides and fertilizers, growing our own organic food and using paper bags can reduce the increase of land pollution

Water pollution is also a very serious environment issue that we are facing problem nowadays. Due to human activities, water is becoming contaminated day by day. The water, we drink daily which looks clean but it has contained pollutants. And we get many diseases because of these pollutants. The major cause of water pollution is the industries, factories that dump waste into the water.

By taking some measures, we can control water pollution.
• Sewage pollutants should be treated chemically.
• Industries and factories should not be allow to dump waste directly into water.
• Sewage treatement plants should be there in every city.
• There should be spread awareness about water pollution.

Noise pollution is causing endless problems in our society to world. Daily, we have to bear unwanted sound or noise produced by airplanes, vehicles and industrial machinery. It considered a form of pollution and causing mental restlessness. It can cause hearing less, increase stress, high blood pressure, harm for sleeping and less efficiency.

It can be controlled by using some tips.
• Aware people about the damage caused by noise pollution.
• By adopting measures to reduce this problem.
• Discourage the sources that become a cause of noise pollution
• Don't use of very old vehicle which produce more sound.
• We have to use the electric vehicle like car, bus and others.

In this way, it can surely be said that pollution has become a global warming. The world is trying to control it. But if we want to reduce the production of pollution. We need to make proper planning to control it. Government should educate people about the proper use of technologies. By doing so, we may control this evil and the day will not be far when the world will be considered safe from the hazardous effects of pollution.

FAQs on Pollution

1. What is pollution ?

Pollution means the introdution of the harmful materials and issue into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollution. It is also the process of polluting the water, air and land especially with very poisonous chemical.

2. What types of pollution ?

The type of pollution divided into different ways.

(1) Air pollution
(2) Water pollution
(3) Land pollution/soil pollution
(4) Noise pollution
(5) Radioactive/Nuclear pollution
(6) Thurmal pollution

3. What is effects of pollution ?

• It grows the fatal and deadly diseases.

• it is directly harm to all human beings and environment.

• It can effect crops and production.

• It is increase the temperature of global.

4. How to reduce pollution ?

• The best and effective way to reduce pollution is by afforestation like plants trees.

• By using renewable resources and use less of bio- fuel which is not effect nature.

• By encouraging the use of public transportation and pooling rather than individual travelling with vehicles.

• By usage of natural and bio degradeable products that harm the nature in lesser amount.

• By spreading awareness and putting up the knowledge across all.

• By using crop-rotation techniques to reduce land and water pollution.

• By lowering the use of appliances that emit CFCs and NO2 that harm the environment.

• By proper disposal and sewage treatement.

5. What is causes of pollution ?

• Production of chemicals like pesticides and poison.

• By using diesel and petrol vehicle which release smoke.

• By spreading the pesticides on the agriculture.

• By cutting the trees or deforestation.